Unity Tour 2020

Funds raised: $872
Cause: Save the Children

Tour Description

The world has woken. It is speaking more loudly and more powerfully than we have seen in a long time that is shifting our people and our planet into much needed change. The fight for equality, cultural rights, anti-racial societies, and acknowledgement that ‘we are all one’ has never been stronger. The Unity Tour is our contribution, our support, our stance, and our acknowledgement that every human on this planet deserves the respect to be treated no differently to any other human. Our aim is to help combat the core of the broken societal system, ensuring our most vulnerable are protected from inequal societies and social mistreatment, and as a result, we have chosen savethenchildren.co.nz as our choice of charity for 10% of tour profits.As always, you can guarantee a huge night of heavy Dolphin Friendly antics, all in the good nature of showing your support to issues that will help others.

Tour key initiatives:
- 10% of tour profits and ticket donations go to Save the Children
- https://www.savethechildren.org.nz/
- Sponsored by Native


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